Monday, April 7, 2008

Reflections on Spinning

Well! The spinning wheel is a rousing success. Yep, no pictures today, though I'll have some shortly.
Over the weekend I've been spinning a lot. It is a great stress reliever, I've found (I had a hard weekend). On the plus side, the wheel came with four bobbins, three of which are (mostly) full!
You see, I got several colors of wool from a friend. Each color is in a small batch, so each one got its own bobbin. This evening (should my studies be far enough along) I hope to wind from the bobbins onto a niddy-noddy (pictures to follow), which will allow me to determine the yardage.
I will continue to spin, of course, despite having other fiber processing tasks to do. The other day I was playing a game with my littlest sister (age 6). When it was her turn, which sometimes took a while, I would get up and spin for a bit. As she so poignantly put it: "You'll never be done. You could spin forever! So come take your turn."
The young ones know best. It is never done, nor would I want it to be. However, I eagerly anticipate the day that I can take my own spinnings and render them into something more: a scarf, perhaps, or a woven shawl. I also plan on making something homespun for the grandmother who gave me the wheel.
What fun!
May my project never be done!

Most sincerely yours,

~ Sarah

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