Thursday, March 4, 2021


Hi Friends,

As you may have noticed, it's been quiet on here lately. Well, guess what! I have a new site set up with my own website name, and all of the archived posts are there, but there's a new post there for you to check out -

I'll be focusing a little bit more directly on helping you be a great support and communicator with your friends who have had a baby die, so if you have specific questions that you would like to suggest I address in a post, please reach out!

 I'm working on getting email subscriptions set up, so if you currently get posts from this (blogger/google) site whenever there's a new post, don't worry - I'll make sure you will get notifications from the new site instead!



To subscribe, find the "subscribe by email" note in the left column and enter your email there. Links to posts will be emailed directly to you whenever I post them! Nothing else gets emailed.

Resource list: Visit my spreadsheet at